Amitabh Bachchan | Jet

Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan has been in the movie industry for more than 50 years. He has made more than 190 films in India and has amassed a net worth of roughly $400 million. Sources say that he is treated like royalty because of his contributions to Indian cinema, and the greatness of his reputation.

With this kind of lifestyle, it is only fitting that he has his own private jet. He could fly wherever he wants to and not have to worry about lacking privacy. Film enthusiasts all over the world give him credit for being one of the best actors for this century. It’s a heavy title to carry, but one that he truly deserves for Bachchan never ceases to impress with his performances. Bollywood certainly has an eye for talent and beauty, much like Bachchan has an eye for wise investments and retirement plans.
