Jimmy Buffett | Jet

Musical genius Jimmy Buffet doesn’t only sing and write songs. He also likes to fly around in his vintage aircraft. Did you know that he’s also a prolific businessman? No wonder he can afford expensive hobbies! He has a restaurant in Orlando, Florida and proudly displayed beside it is his plane, “Hemisphere Dancer”. The plane is a 1990 Grumman HU-16 Albatross that he got for $62,180 back in the 90’s. He is constantly working on restoring the aircraft and maintaining it so it would continue to serve him for years.

Since he is also a licensed pilot, Buffett can take to the skies and go wherever he wants to, whenever he pleases. He can even take his family along for the ride. This singer-songwriter often lives an island escapism life together with his passion for coral reefs. No wonder he decided to invest in this jet; he can have a getaway anytime he desires!
