Whenever we mention Steve Jobs, we often associate him with the technological powerhouse that is Apple. Many people think he is the one who started the company but it was, in fact, Steve Wozniak. Jobs, however, had a significant part in growing the company and making it the giant that we know today, through his marketing strategies.

He also gets credit for making the iPod, the iPad, and the legendary iPhone. Because of this, Apple gave him a huge chunk of shares and his very own Gulfstream V. Jobs used to travel by plane for both travel and leisure. We think this is a well-deserved gift, considering his contributions to technology in general. He may have since passed, but even now, his legacy inspires many. Even without his biopic that was released not so many years ago, everyone in the world knows who Steve Jobs was. He had all our credits for his impressive creation, and he sure deserved all the jets in the world!
