Mark Zuckerberg | Jet

Being the creator and the CEO of the biggest social media platform in the world requires special provisions. In particular, he must make sure his security is top notch. This is why it’s understandable for Zuckerberg to travel privately, instead of commercially. For him, this is especially true because he travels a lot for business meetings, talks, public appearances and other engagements. According to sources, Zuckerberg does not actually have his own private jet, but his company Facebook spends a lot of money on his home security system and private air travels. They spent around $23.4 million in 2019 alone.

Are the costs justified? Considering his position and the influence he holds, we must say that it is. He is the backbone of the company, after all. This young CEO is known to keep things lowkey, just like his marriage and wedding. In fact, during his Christmas Eve celebration, he had just less than ten friends and loved ones over. When it comes to having a jet, we’re guessing he doesn’t hold back. Besides, we should be happy for him and give him all the credits for giving us the world’s largest social media platform.
