Mel Gibson | Island

Some celebrities and businessmen buy private islands asinvestments. They develop the place and put up establishments that will, hopefully, bring in tourists and revenue. Other high profile personalities, however, treat it as a secondary home – a place away from the limelight where they can enjoy their privacy to the utmost.

Mel Gibson bought Mago Island, an isle in Fiji back in 2005 with this in mind. He didn’t bother developing the island to turn it into another commercial business area, because he wanted it for his own personal sanctuary. It is a must for one’s mental health and if you had the means, wouldn’t you do the same? It cost him$15 million to purchase the island, but he sure enjoyed every penny of it. Many people might have heard about his personal struggles and health issues. What most people don’t know is that, when it comes to investments, Gibson is actually pretty clever and successful – his island is proof of that!
