10.Jerry Mathers
The TV sitcom Leave It to Beaver debuted in 1957 and followed the adventures of Theodore “Beaver” Cleaver and his family. Jerry Mathers appeared on the show and became one of the most well-known child actors of his generation.
Mathers wanted to take a break from acting after the end of Leave It to Beaver in 1963. He kept an active interest in music, but in 1966, he chose to join the United States Air Force Reserve. He pursued his studies in the early 1970s and earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. A few years away from the spotlight, Mathers returned to his roots as an actor, starring in Leave It to Beaver reunion specials and a sequel series. He has appeared in several other TV shows as a guest star and made his Broadway debut in 2007. Mathers has also worked with several companies, including Jenny Craig and a big pharmacy.