Lenny Kravitz | Island

High profile personalities don’t only crave tropical sceneries and luxurious services. Above all, what they really want is some peace and quiet that they can never get from the city. With the paparazzi everywhere and their fans wanting to meet them up-close, they almost never get a chance to live normally. This is probably why Lenny Kravitz bought a private island in the Bahamas as well.

Funnily enough, according to sources, he actually stays in a trailer instead of a hotel. Not a bad trade off if it means he gets to enjoy some privacy and some peace of mind. He also has a recording studio in the archipelago so that he can continue to do what he loves best in solitude – make music. Lenny is one of the most iconic artists of all time. Judging by his investments, he is one of the smartest too!
